A 600 micron quartz fiber with a gold plated reflecting tip called UrolaseR (C.R. BARD, Inc., 8195 Industrial Boulevard, Covington, Georgia 30209), was used through a 21 French cystoscope to study the clinical outcome of patients undergoing Visual Laser Ablation of the Prostate (VLAP). The results of this prospective randomized trial comparing VLAP to TURP were studied in 32 patients with a nine month follow-up. TURP was carried out in the routine manner. VLAP was performed using the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock lasing in the prostate. The 12 and 6 o'clock positions underwent lasing with 40 watts for 30 seconds while the 3 and 9 o'clock positions were lased with 40 watts for 60 seconds. If the prostate was greater than 4 cm in length from bladder neck to verumontanum, two around-the-clock lasings were performed, one near the bladder neck, the second near the verumontanum. Patients were evaluated comparing the AUA-6 Symptom Score, post-void residual urines, and peak voiding flow rates. The 32 prospectively randomized patients were evaluated at 9 months.

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