Early in the past decade of U.S. Antarctic research, the whistler method of measuring equatorial electron density was found to agree with in situ satellite electron density measurements by a radio technique. Furthermore, the whistler method of measuring the east‐west component of the convection electric field in the outer plasmasphere was found to agree, under conditions of mapping in a dipole magnetic field, with simultaneous results from incoherent scatter radar. A global model of the east‐west convection electric field in the outer plasmasphere during substorms was developed. The detection of whistlers and their use for magnetospheric diagnostics have been important elements in recent studies of burst precipitation into the ionosphere induced by whistlers and by other transient whistler mode waves propagating in the magnetosphere. Whistlers have also been used to obtain data on the L values and equatorial electron densities associated with the propagation paths of signals from the Siple VLF transmitter. The process of untrapping of downcoming wave energy from ducts in the upper ionosphere and the upward repropagation of portions of the energy following reflection in the lower ionosphere lead to the excitation of adjacent ducts as well as to upward propagation in the nonducted mode. Efficient interduct coupling has been found to occur over north‐south ionospheric distances of >1000 km. Studies of the outer limits of observed ducting revealed dayside path radii in the range 6–8 RE and nightside limits of ∼5.5 RE. Ducted propagation beyond the plasmapause was found to occur regularly in the 0000–1800 MLT time range, but with variable rates and at various locations with respect to the plasmapause position. The special features of this propagation are believed to be related to conditions of lightning excitation, ionospheric penetration, and wave‐particle interactions that are special to the region beyond the plasmasphere. New aspects of Siple wave injection experiments were demonstrated by the application of a new phase measurement method to Siple signals that did not exhibit fast temporal growth during passage through the magnetosphere. This method, a refinement of techniques developed previously by New Zealand workers, is capable of detecting fluctuations in phase path with period of ∼10 s and greater and thus can be used to study magnetospheric convection and coupling fluxes along field lines of propagation as well as pulsations associated with ultralow‐frequency perturbations of the geomagnetic field. Additional topics discussed include results from direction‐finding experiments and evidence of the dependence of whistlers upon magnetospheric wave amplification.