Alcohol-induced oxidative stress in rat liver

1. Livers from rats treated acutely with ethanol showed increased chemiluminescence, malondialdehyde production, and diene formation. Previous administration of (+)-cyanidanol-3 completely abolished acute ethanol-induced chemiluminescence. 2. Rats fed alcohol liquid diets for 3 weeks showed significant increases in microsomal and mitochondrial malondialdehyde formation, and in microsomal H2O2 and O2− generation. 3. Rats fed a solid basal diet plus ethanol solution for 12 weeks also showed increased microsomal production of O2− and increased content of microsomal cytochrome P-450. Hydroperoxide-induced chemiluminescence was higher in homogenates, mitochondria and microsomes from ethanol-treated rats than from controls. Vitamins E and A were more effective inhibitors of hydroperoxide-stimulated chemiluminescence in liver homogenates from ethanol-treated rats than from control animals. 4. Results are consistent with peroxidative stress leading to increased lipid peroxidation in liver of rats fed ethanol both acutely and after long-term dosing.