Experimental infection of laying turkeys with Rhinotracheitis virus: Distribution of virus in the tissues and serological response

Twenty‐four laying turkey hens shown to be free of antibodies to turkey rhinotracheitis virus were inoculated intranasally with an isolate of the virus. A mild respiratory disease developed between 5 and 9 days post infection (pi). Two birds were selected at random at intervals between days 1 and 20 pi, killed and tissues examined for the presence of virus. At autopsy between days 2 and 12 abnormalities were found in the oviducts including the deposition of inspissated albumen. Yolk material was occasionally found in the abdominal cavity and there was one instance of egg peritonitis. Eggs with abnormal shells were found in the uterus on days 3 and 9. By direct immunofluorescence (IF) staining, virus was detected in the trachea between days 1 and 7 pi and in the turbinâtes between days 2 and 5 pi. Virus could also be isolated from these sites using turkey embryo trachéal organ cultures but this method was slightly less sensitive than IF for these tissues. No virus was demonstrated in the lungs or air sacs. Viral antigens were detected by IF in the epithelium of the uterus on day 7 pi and in this and all other regions of the oviduct on day 9 pi. Virus was isolated only from middle magnum and vagina on day 9 pi. On other occasions up to 20 days pi the above tissues and spleen, ovary, liver, kidney and hypothalamus were all negative for virus. Antibodies detected by ELISA and serum neutralisation both reached, high titre by 12 days pi and were maintained at a high level (Iog2 12–15) throughout the period of observation (89 days).