Prevalence and Sociobehavioral Correlates of Tobacco Use Among Hispanic Children: The Tobacco Resistance Activity Program

To examine tobacco use patterns and its sociobehavioral correlates among Hispanic in-school youth, a tobacco use and knowledge survey was administered to 660 children from fourth through sixth grade classes, of which 69% (n = 453) were of Hispanic origin. Male Hispanics were more exposed to previous tobacco use (38% vs. 20%, p < .01), reported more current smoking, had more smoking friends, received more cigarette offers, and wanted to try a cigarette compared to females (all p < .05). Also, more previous alcohol use was noted in the previous tobacco users, indicating its potential as a "gateway drug." From multivariate analyses, being offered cigarettes was the strongest environmental indicator of previous tobacco usage, followed by having adult smokers in the house, smoking friends, (all p < .01), and being around other smoking youth (p < .05). This study offers additional knowledge about factors that may cause Hispanic youth to initiate smoking, and suggests the need to address peer and social influences in school-based substance abuse programs.