The effect of intravenously administered secretin (0.5, 2.0, 6.0 U/kg-h) and intraduodenal acidification (13.2 meq/h HCl) on the electrical activity of the small bowel of three conscious dogs with gastric and duodenal cannulas was observed. Electrical activity was recorded in fasted as well as fed conditions through silver wire electrodes implanted along the entire length of the small bowel. Intravenous infusion of secretin in all dosages and in all dogs delayed the onset of the interdigestive myoelectric complex and reduced the total percentage of slow waves with superimposed spike potentials. Intraduodenal acidification also inhibited the interdigestive myoelectric complex, which developed incompletely with fewer action potentials on slow waves. Secretin did not produce any alteration in the fed pattern of activity, slow-wave frequency, or the caudal migration of the interdigestive myoelectric complex. The present study indicates that the nuerohumoral mechanisms responsible for initiation of the interdigestive myoelectric complex may be different from those responsible for its caudal migration.