HTLV-II Endemicity among Guaymi Indians in Panama

Human T-cell lymphotropic virus Type II (HTLV-II), the second human retrovirus to be discovered, has recently been found to be endemic among intravenous drug users in the United States and Europe.1 2 3 4 In addition, about half the blood donors in the United States who are seropositive for HTLV-I/II appear to be infected with HTLV-II.5 Little is known about the transmission of HTLV-II or the diseases associated with it. This lack of knowledge renders it difficult to counsel persons, such as blood donors, who are found to be infected with the virus. The identification of a population in which HTLV-II is endemic other than intravenous drug users (who are difficult to study and are at risk for many diseases) would offer an opportunity to learn more about this virus.