The dynamic renormalization-group flow equations for model F of Halperin, Hohenberg, and Siggia [Phys. Rev. B 13, 1299 (1976)] are calculated by means of renormalized field theory within the minimal-renormalization scheme up to two-loop order. These equations are combined with the Borel-resummation results for the static renormalization-group functions computed by Schloms and Dohm. The corresponding static fixed point destabilizes the dynamic-scaling fixed point in two-loop order. The nonuniversal initial values of the static and dynamic flow equations are identified for the λ transition of He4 at various pressures. Predictions are made for the bulk thermal conductivity very close to Tλ where the departures from dynamic scaling should be observable. Effective static and dynamic parameters are computed that can be applied to other critical phenomena above and below the λ line of He4.