Relationship between WAIS-R vocabulary and performance on the california verbal learning test

Eighty-two normal subjects, aged 16 to 95, were administered the California Verbal Learning Test, and the WAIS-R Vocabulary subtest. A set of hierarchical multiple regression equations (with age entered on the first step and Vocabulary on the second step) were calculated for CVLT performance variables. Significant incremental gains in R2 (p < .01) were found between Vocabulary scores and most CVLT recall variables. Education, in spite of having a significant correlation with Vocabulary, was a poor predictor of CVLT performance. Results indicated that age and Vocabulary together accounted for up to 31% of the variance in select CVLT performance variables; Vocabulary alone accounted for up to 13% of additional variance in select CVLT scores beyond the effects of age. Norms based on vocabulary scores or a similar estimate of verbal IQ may increase this test's sensitivity.