Improvements in the analytical methodology used in the gas chromatographic/chemical ionization mass spectral analysis of aliphatic alcohols are described. Improved chromatographic resolution using polysil-oxane-deactivated fused silica capillary columns is shown. The trimethylsilyl, as well as the trifluoroacetyl, pentafluoropropionyl, and heptafluorobutyryl O-acyl derivatives are prepared, and the reaction conditions discussed. The chromatographic separation of positional isomers of dodecen-1-ol for each derivative investigated is shown, as well as a description of the elution time shift caused by the conversion of a specific positional isomer to each of the derivatives. Positive and, where possible, negative ion chemical ionization (methane) mass spectra for all of the derivatives are presented, as are the relative mass spectral sensitivities.