Summary: For a finite diploid population with no mutation, migration and selection, equations for the deviation of observed genotype frequencies from Hardy–Weinberg proportions are derived in this paper for monoecious species and for autosomal and sex-linked loci in dioecious species. It is shown that the genotype frequency deviation in finite random-mating populations results from the difference between the gene frequencies of male and female gametes, which is determined by two independent causes: the gene frequency difference between male and female parents and the sampling error due to the finite number of offspring. Previous studies have considered only one of the causes and the equations derived by previous authors are applicable only in the special case of random selection. The general equations derived here for both causes incorporate the variances and covariances of family size and thus they reduce to previous equations for random selection. Stochastic simulations are run to check the predictions from different formulae. Non-random mating and variation in census size are considered and the applications of the derived formulae are exemplified.