Effects of 1047-nm Neodymium Laser Radiation on Skin Wound Healing

Previous research in our laboratory has shown that the polarization component of the electrical field plays an important role on the healing process of inflammatory lesions created in the end of the spinal column of Lewis rats, using a He-Ne laser at λ = 632.8 nm. It is well known that polarization is lost in a turbid medium, such as living tissue. However, the Nd:YLF wavelength (λ = 1,047 nm) allows more polarization preservation than λ = 632.8 nm, and the Nd:YLF laser beam has been used in clinical trials as a biostimulating agent. In this work, we investigated the influence of a low-intensity, linearly polarized Nd:YLF laser beam on skin wound healing, considering two orthogonal directions of polarization. We have considered a preferential axis as the animals' spinal column, and we aligned the linear laser polarization first parallel, then perpendicular to this direction. Burns of about 6 mm in diameter were created with liquid N2 on the back of the animals, and the lesions were irradiated on days 3, 7, 10, and 14 postwounding, D = 1.0 J/cm2. Lesions 1 and 2 were illuminated using Nd:YLF pulsed laser radiation. Lesion 1 was irradiated with linear polarization parallel with the rat spinal column. Lesion 2 was irradiated using the same protocol, but the light polarization was aligned with the perpendicular relative orientation. Control lesions were not irradiated. We have taken photographs from the wound areas on the 3rd, 7th, 10th, 14th, and 17th postoperative day for a biometrical analysis. The results have shown that lesion 1 healed faster than the control lesions (p < 0,05), which presented a smaller degree of healing after 14 days postwounding.