Nonlinear interactions of random waves in a dispersive medium
Open Access
- 25 January 1966
- journal article
- Published by The Royal Society in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Vol. 289 (1418) , 301-320
A study is made of the way that the spectrum function of random, spatially homogeneous, dispersive waves varies slowly with time owing to weak nonlinear interactions between the waves. A continuous representation is used throughout and the slow variation is obtained with the aid of the multiple time scale method of nonlinear mechanics. It is shown that provided the dispersion equation satisfies a fairly general requirement (the non-existence of 'double resonance'), a closed integro-differential equation for the energy spectrum function can be obtained which describes asymptotically the transfer of energy between wave numbers on a time scale $\varepsilon^{-2}$ times a characteristic period of the waves, where the parameter $\varepsilon$ measures the relative order of the nonlinear terms. The equation is derived without imposing restrictions on the probability distribution of the waves, and in particular it is not found necessary to assume that the distribution is Gaussian. Nevertheless, the result is the same as if the distribution were Gaussian to zero order in $\varepsilon$ and this is true for arbitrary initial probability distributions. For a conservative system where total energy is conserved, the equation simplifies to a form previously derived by Litvak (1960), according to which transfer of energy takes place between resonant triads of wave numbers if they exist.
This publication has 3 references indexed in Scilit:
- Uniformly Valid Asymptotic Approximations for Certain Non-Linear Differential EquationsPublished by Elsevier ,1963
- Non-linear gravity wave interactionsJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 1962
- On the dynamics of unsteady gravity waves of finite amplitude Part 1. The elementary interactionsJournal of Fluid Mechanics, 1960