The appearance of several miospores within the Middle Permian coal sequences of the Sydney Basin permits widespread intrabasinal correlations. Dulhuntyispora parvithola (Balme & Hennelly) Potonié 1960 appears within the Bulga Formation of the Wittingham Coal Measures, the Kulnura Marine Tongue of the Tomago Coal Measures, the Erins Vale Formation of the Illawarra Coal Measures in the Camden area and in the Gundangaroo Formation of the Illawarra Coal Measures in the Lithgow area. Microreticulatisporites bitriangularis Balme & Hennelly 1956 appears within the Malabar Formation of the Wittingham Coal Measures, the upper Four Mile Creek Formation of the Tomago Coal Measures, the upper Wilton Formation of the Illawarra Coal Measures in the Camden area and in the Newnes Formation of the Illawarra Coal Measures in the Lithgow area. There are two basin‐wide marine incursions within the Middle Permian sequence of the Sydney Basin: these are indicated in palynological samples by the presence of acritarchs. The position of these incursions with respect to the appearance of D. parvithola and M. triangularis implies synchronous deposition throughout the basin. These marine intervals cannot be correlated palynologically with marine intervals in the Bowen Basin.