Cholinergic Deafferentation of Dorsal Hippocampus by Fimbria-Fornix Lesioning Differentially Regulates Subtypes (m1-m5) of Muscarinic Receptors

Unilateral aspiration lesions of the rostral supracallosal stria/cingulum bundle and fimbria-fornix were performed on adult female rats. Ten and 24 days post lesioning, an elevation (17%; p < 0.01) of total muscarinic receptors was observed in lesioned versus control hippocampi. By using antisera selective for each of the five molecularly defined subtypes (m1-m5) of muscarinic receptors, significant changes were observed in the levels of expression for at least four receptor proteins. Three receptor subtypes increased in density: m1 by 14% (from 943 to 1,078 fmol/mg); m3 by 77% (from 150 to 268 fmol/mg); and m4 by 29% (from 220 to 285 fmol/mg). In contrast, a 22% decrease in the density of m2 receptors was found (from 220 to 173 fmol/mg). Detectable levels of m5 receptors were low in the hippocampus (approximately 1% of total receptors), and reliable measurements were not obtained. The directions of these changes are likely to be related to the pre- or postsynaptic localization of these receptor subtypes.