The influence of fixation and tissue preparation on the immunohistochemical demonstration of fibronectin in human tissue

The influence of fixation and tissue preparation on the immunohistochemical localization of human fibronectin in gastrointestinal tract tissue has been examined using indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The most optimal staining result with strong intensity and well defined localization was obtained on frozen sections of unfixed material. Nearly identical results with improved morphology were obtained when staining paraffin sections of tissue fixed in 96% ethanol, 96%+1% acetic acid and absolute acetone. All other fixatives tested, 10% neutral buffered formalin, Lillie's AAF, Bouin's fixative, Clarke's fixative, 4% formaldehyde, 4% formaldehyde+ 0.5% cetylpyridiniumchloride (F-CPC), 4% formaldehyde +0.1% glutaraldehyde gave unsatisfactory results. However, proteolytic digestion with pepsin of paraffin sections prior to staining of buffered formalin and F-CPCfixed material gave results comparable with those obtained on unfixed frozen sections as regards definition of the staining whereas staining intensity was decreased in some degree. No improvement was observed when using proteolytic digestion of tissue fixed in other fixatives.