Protoporphyrinogen oxidase and porphobilinogen deaminase in variegate porphyria

Two enzymes of the haem biosynthetic pathway were investigated in patients with variegate porphyria. Protoporphyrinogen oxidase in cultures of Epstein‐Barr virus transformed lymphoblasts from twenty‐seven patients showed a mean maximal velocity (Vmax) of 0·39 ± 0·08+ nmol of protoporphyrin mg protein‐1 h‐1, a 52% reduction (P < 0·001) from a non‐porphyric control group (0·82 ± 0·10). Km values (1·00 ± 0·27 μM) did not differ significantly (P > 0·05) from control values in any of the patients. The mean Vmax of porphobilinogen deaminase in the cultures was 1·50 ± 0·18 nmol of uroporphyrin mg protein‐1 min‐1, a 24% reduction (P < 0·001) from controls (1·94 ± 0·14). Mean porphobilinogen deaminase activity in the erythrocytes of twenty‐one patients with variegate porphyria was 8·37 ± 1·99 nmol of uroporphyrin 1 erythrocytes‐1 s‐1, a 28% reduction (P < 0·001) from normal (11·98 ± 2·11). The reduced activities of these two enzymes comply with the expression of variegate porphyria during its quiescent and acute phases.

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