The Magnetic Spin Ladder (C_{5}H_{12}N)_{2}CuBr_{4}: High Field Magnetization and Scaling Near Quantum Criticality

The magnetization, $M(H \leq 30$ T, 0.7 K $\leq T \leq 300$ K), from single crystals and powder samples of (C$_{5}$H$_{12}$N)$_{2}$CuBr$_{4}$ has been used to identify this system as an $S=1/2$ Heisenberg two-leg ladder in the strong coupling limit, $J_{\perp} = 13.3$ K and $J_{\parallel} = 3.8$ K, with $H_{c1} = 6.6$ T and $H_{c2} = 14.6$ T. An inflection point in $M(H, T = 0.7$ K) at half-saturation, $M_{s}/2$, is described by an effective \emph{XXZ} chain. The data exhibit universal scaling behavior in the vicinity of $H_{c1}$ and $H_{c2}$, indicating the system is near a quantum critical point.

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