Occurrence of Volatile Metal and Metalloid Species in Landfill and Sewage Gases

Speciation of volatile metals and metalloids in the environment is extensively described in literature. In order to investigate unstable volatile organometallics, on-line coupling of GC with ICP-MS was used. Preliminary results for gases of sewage sludge fermentation at thermophilic and mesophilic conditions are compared with the metal and metalloid speciation in landfill gases. In each case 20 L gas were sampled by cryogenic trapping. The species were identified by element-specific detection either by retention time of standards or by calculation of the boiling point correlation. Characteristic of the separation is the linear correlation of boiling point (bp/°C) versus retention time (rt/min) (bp = 6.39∗rt -109.2, r2 = 0.9926). The amounts of total volatile elements are estimated by semi-quantification. Cd, Sn. Hg, Pb (sewage gas) and Se, Te, Hg, Pb (landfill gas) were determined in the range of ng m−3 level; As, Sb, Te and Bi (sewage gas) and As, Sn, Sb and Bi (landfill gas) in the μg m−3 level range.

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