Enhancement of Radiosensitivity of Skin of Patients by High Pressure Oxygen

The results are reported of a clinical experiment designed to evaluate the radiosensitivity of skin of anaesthetised patients exposed to 4 atmospheres absolute of oxygen, relative to that of skin in the same patients breathing air under ambient conditions. Single radiation doses over the range 250-1,250 rads of Sr90 [beta] radiation were delivered to eight 1.2 cm diameter circular areas of anterior thigh skin. Skin damage produced in HPO was increased at all dose levels. A quantitative analysis of the skin damage in air and HPO respectively resulted in an estimate thatX rads administered in air produced the same damage to skin as 0.75 X rads administered in HPO for single doses in the range 250-750 rads. At doses > 750 rads human skin irradiated in HPO showed further progressive increase in radiosensitivity relative to that in air. These results are discussed in terms of previously reported experimental work and in respect to their radiotherapeutic implications.