A new “no-touch” technique for the laparoscopic treatment of gastric stromal tumors

Background Gastric stromal neoplasms are rare, accounting for <2% of gastric tumors. Definite criteria for the malignant nature of such tumors are difficult to establish. Although their laparoscopic management has been described, there is still debate as to how to handle these tumors intraoperatively. Methods We report a new technical modification of laparoscopic resection used in two gastric stromal tumors, with special precautions taken to avoid the operative dissemination of unsuspected malignancy. Results The operative course and postoperative follow-up were uneventful. In both cases, histology showed no features of malignancy. Conclusion To avoid tumor seeding during the resection of gastric stromal tumors, preventive measures— including absence of manipulation of the tumor, elimination of direct contact with the abdominal wall, and avoidance of disruption of the mucosa-should be implemented.