Antibody-Dependent Macrophage-Mediated Cytotoxicity Against Entamoeba Histolytica

Interactions between trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica and peritoneal exudate macrophages from unsensitized and antigen-sensitized animals were studied in vitro. Normal macrophages killed trophozoites to some extent. This killing capacity was enhanced by prior sensitization of the animals with specific antigen. Incorporation of anti-amoebic antiserum in the amoeba-macrophage mixture greatly enhanced the killing capacity of macrophages. Fraction one (F-I) of a crude amoebic extract was most effective in enhancing the cytotoxicity of macrophages by prior sensitisation and anti-F-I serum was the most effective antiserum. The cytotoxicity-inducing capacity of the immune serum resided in the IgG but not in the IgM fraction.