Colposcopy in a family planning clinic: a future model?

The first year's experience of a satellite colposcopy clinic in the Glasgow Family Planning Centre was analysed. Establishment of the clinic was supervised by an experienced member of the colposcopy team at the department of gynaecology, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, who trained one of the family planning centre's staff. Close links were thus maintained with the hospital clinic to which patients were referred for treatment. The policy at the new colposcopy clinic was to study prospectively all women in the hospital catchment area whose cervical smears were reported as abnormal. In 58 of 162 such patients there was at least moderate dyskaryosis and the cytologist's recommendation had been referral for colposcopy. In 104 cases the changes were either atypia alone or mild dyskaryosis and a repeat smear was recommended within three to 12 months; 18 of these patients had grade II or III cervical intraepithelial neoplasia on biopsy, and relying on repeat smears would have resulted in an 11.7% false negative rate. If an atypical cytological picture is to be an indication for colposcopy clinics attached to family planning centres may have an important role, given satisfactory training and close links with central specialist colposcopy clinics.