Treatment of premenstrual tension with lithium carbonate – A PILOT STUDY

Some previous reports have suggested that lithium treatment is of benefit to women with the premenstrual tension syndrome (PMTS). In this study 15 women carefully selected for severe PMTS were given lithium carbonate (600–900 mg/day) continuously for three menstrual cycles. Lithium did not affect physical premenstrual symptoms and was ineffective in most women against behavioral premenstrual symptoms. Despite the low dosage most women also experienced significant drug‐related side effects. Although a statistically significant improvement was recorded by several symptom rating instruments, this benefit was of no practical clinical value. The three women who responded best to lithium, and who requested continued treatment beyond 3 months, met diagnostic criteria for subsyndromal affective (cyclothymic) disorder. Lithium is not recommended for the average woman with PMTS.