The Effect of Disinfection on Viability and Function of Baboon Red Blood Cells

Methods that have been optimized for disinfection of red blood cells before transfusion must be evaluated for their effect on red blood cell viability and function in vitro and in vivo. This study evaluates (1) in vitro effects of Panavirocide treatment and benzoporphyrin (BPD) photosensitization on baboon and human red blood cell parameters and (2) in vivo effects of five disinfectant treatments on 24 h posttransfusion survival and cell lifetimes for baboon red blood cells. The in vitro studies showed that both disinfection methods resulted in a significant reduction in red blood cell potassium, suggesting that intracellular potassium is a sensitive measure of red cell injury during disinfection. The in vivo studies demonstrated significant reductions in the 24 h posttransfusion survival of baboon red blood cells and reductions in cell lifespan treated with a Panavirocide solution, BPD photosensitization and 15 mM nonactivated sodium chlorite. No effects were seen with 250 ppm formaldehyde, aluminum phthalocyanine photosensitization or activated sodium chlorite. These in vivo data showing effects of disinfection treatments support the use of baboons in studying disinfection procedures of autologous red blood cells before attempting studies in humans.