Neuritogenic Determinant of Bovine P2 Protein in Peripheral Nerve Myelin

Experimental allergic neuritis (EAN) is an experimentally produced demyelinating disease of peripheral nervous system. Several peptides of bovine P2 protein were tested for neuritogenic activity in Lewis rats. The hexacosapeptide CiT4 (residues 53-78 of bovine P2 protein) showed the highest neuritogenic activity among the peptides tested. The nonapeptide (residues 70-78) and the tridecapeptide (residues 66-78) were synthesized using the liquid phase peptide synthesis technique. The tridecapeptide showed mild, but definite activity in inducing EAN in the rats, while the nonapeptide was inactive. The localization of the neuritogenic determinant of bovine P2 protein in Lewis rats is discussed.