ATS-6 UCSD Auroral Particles Experiment

The University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Auroral Particles Experiment on the Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6) consists of five electrostatic charged particle detectors. The features which contribute to the uniqueness of the UCSD data include a rotation capability which often allows sampling very near the direction of the magnetic field, an energy range of five orders of magnitude with a lower extreme of less than 1 eV, and a very large geometric factor which results both from a postenergy analysis electrostatic lens and from the unique ovoidal shape of the analyzing plates. A preliminary look at a subset of UCSD magnetospheric data emphasizes those phenomena which are observed as a result of the new features described. These phenomena include intense magnetic field aligned auroral particles, a persistent and very low energy dusk region enhancement, and low energy 1-10-s fluctuations tentatively identified as Alfven waves.

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