The effect on aphid population development of creating natural enemy refuges by spraying only alternate strips of winter wheat with the aphid-specific insecticide pirimicarb at 140 g a.i./ha was compared with those in an unsprayed and a completely sprayed block in south-eastern England. The numbers of Sitobion avenae (F.), Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) increased rapidly in the unsprayed block and in the unsprayed strips to reach similar peak densities in early August. Natural enemy activity was similar in these two areas, indicating negligible movement of predators and parasitoids from the sprayed strips to the unsprayed strips. Instead, aphids re-colonized the sprayed strips more quickly than the sprayed block, and the peak density in the former was similar to those in the unsprayed areas.