Digoxin Removal from a Patient with Renal Failure by Hemoperfusion with Amberlite XAD‐4 Resin

A digitoxic patient with several renal failure underwent 2 hemoperfusion treatments with Amberlite XAD-4 resin. Digoxin clearances calculated from plasma flow rates and plasma digoxin concentrations, as well as from the amount of digoxin eluted from the used columns, were superior to those previously described for peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and charcoal hemoperfusion. There was a temporary improvement in the patient''s life-threatening digitoxic cardiac rhythm with the 1st hemoperfusion, and a permanent improvement after the 2nd hemoperfusion. Hemoperfusion with this resin may significantly lessen manifestations of digoxin poisoning and may hasten digoxin elimination in digitoxic patients with renal failure.