Forage and Animal Management Implications of Spring and Fall Calving

Forage dry matter intake (FDMI), body weight changes and milk production were determined for six fall-calving and six spring-calving cow-calf pairs grazing in common on crested wheatgrass pasture over a 125-day period from April 29 to August 31. For fall-and spring-born calves, respective daily FDMI averaged 4.25 kg and .94 kg (P.10). Spring-calving cows gained an average .65 kg/day and produced a mean of 5.24 kg of milk daily; fall calving cows gained .98 kg/day and produced 2.47 kg milk/day (both P<.01). The metabolizable energy required for milk production and weight gain was calculated for fall-and spring-calving cows. The energy required for additional milk production in the spring cow appeared to be quantitatively offset by body weight gain in the fall-calving cow. Based on forage consumption for the study period utilized, it is suggested that the animal unit equivalency of the fall-calving pair relative to the spring-calving pair be approximately 25% greater. Copyright © 1979. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1979 by American Society of Animal Science.