The behavior of commutator matrix elements at small distances is investigated in the framework of general quantum field theory. The equivalence between current density commutators and the commutators of a finite number of charge moments and a current density at equal times is proved by means of microcausality but without using the spectrum condition. If N is the (finite) order of the commutator, then the equal-time limits of the commutators between all charge moments of degree higher than 2N+m1 (m fixed between zero and N) and a current density vanish. The equal-time commutators between the first 2N+m1 charge moments and a current density exist if and only if the equal-time limit of the corresponding current densities exists and is a sum of 2N+m1 derivatives of the δ function in the space variables x. The coefficients of the individual δ functions are identical to the equal-time limits of the charge moments and one density. If the spectrum condition holds in addition, then m is equal to zero.

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