Overnight urine collections to estimate sodium intake.

This study was undertaken to formulate reliable confidence limits for the relationship between nocturnal and 24-hour urine sodium (Na) excretion for use in population compliance studies. Urine excretions were measured in 12 white and 12 black men at three levels of sodium (Na) intake (10, 200, and 400 mEq/day) for 7 days. Nocturnal Na, chloride (Cl), and Cl determined by titrator stick were all highly correlated (r greater than or equal to 0.86, p less than 0.001) with 24-hour UNaV. No significant difference could be attributed to race. Discriminate analysis revealed that the subjects could be categorized with respect to Na intake with accuracies of 95%, 90%, and 85% (low, middle, and high Na intake respectively) by means of two nocturnal urine Cl titrator stick measurements. In addition, two such measurements showing nocturnal UClV less than 10 mEq indicated with 95% accuracy that 24-hour UNaV was less than 60 mEq. According to these data, measurement of nocturnal Na or Cl excretion is a useful means of ...