A Dutch population study of the STR loci HUMTHO1, HUMFES/FPS, HUMVWA31/1 and HUMF13A1, conducted for forensic purposes

We report on a Dutch population study of the STR loci HUMTHOI, HUMFES/FPS, HUMVWA31/1, and HUMF13A1, in which we used multiplex amplification and automated fragment detection. Genotype and allele frequencies showed no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium. The improved Bonferroni procedure was used to combine the results of several tests. The power of discrimination of a complete profile exceeded 0.9998. We compared the allele frequencies in the Dutch sample to the frequencies in other populations using a biplot to visualize alleles and populations simultaneously. The Dutch sample was similar to most other Caucasian samples. The data demonstrate that the genetic systems in this report are a valuable tool for forensic identity testing in The Netherlands.