The Determination of Iodine in Biologic Material

The chloric acid digestion of serum, followed by the ceric sulfate reduction test for iodine has been shown to give results reproducible to within ± 0.00035 µg. iodine per test sample (1) if the entire digestion tubes are kept hot during the combustion step so that products of incomplete oxidation are vaporized, (2) if the perchloric acid and sulfuric acid concentrations in the final digest are adjusted to 1.64 normal (16.5%) and 0.37 normal, respectively, (3) if attention is paid to the order of addition of the reagents, and (4) if the arsenite reagent is added within a fraction of a second. The method gave values for total serum iodine in 20 healthy subjects between 5 and 10.5 µg./100 ml.