Carotid Artery Mechanical Properties of Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats

Abstract We evaluated the mechanical properties of the carotid artery in anesthetized Dahl rats with or without long-term treatment with the diuretic compound indapamide. The mechanical properties of the carotid artery were evaluated by establishing pressure-volume curves in situ in vivo before and after total relaxation of arterial smooth muscle by potassium cyanide. Dahl salt-sensitive and salt-resistant rats were fed either a low (0.4%) or high (7%) NaCl diet for 5 weeks. In each group, half the rats received for the same period of time oral treatment with indapamide (3 mg/kg per day). Blood pressure, heart rate, and pressure-volume curves were studied at the end of the 5-week period. In untreated Dahl salt-sensitive rats, the pressure-volume curve of the carotid artery was shifted to the right compared with that in untreated Dahl salt-resistant rats. The finding was observed even after potassium cyanide and regardless of the NaCl diet ( P <.01 between Dahl salt-sensitive and -resistant rats). Indapamide was able to prevent the development of hypertension in Dahl salt-sensitive rats receiving a high NaCl diet (185±7 versus 146±8 mm Hg in untreated and treated Dahl salt-sensitive rats with a high NaCl diet, P <.0005). In the other groups, indapamide had no effect on blood pressure. Indapamide treatment increased carotid arterial static compliance in Dahl salt-sensitive rats with a high or low NaCl diet and to a lesser extent in Dahl salt-resistant rats. The increase was observed even after total relaxation of carotid arterial smooth muscle by potassium cyanide. These results suggest that (1) the mechanical properties of the carotid arteries were altered in Dahl salt-sensitive rats independently of NaCl diet and transmural pressure changes, and (2) the diuretic compound indapamide prevented the disturbed mechanical properties of the carotid artery in Dahl salt-sensitive rats with a high or low NaCl diet, acting on both arterial structure and function. Sodium sensitivity (and not sodium intake) influences the changes in the carotid artery mechanical properties of Dahl rats.