(p,n) reactions onC14andN14and the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction

Differential cross sections for the N14(p,n)O14(g.s.) reaction have been measured at Ep=35.2 MeV with a gas-cell target. Differential cross sections for (p,n) reactions on C14 leading to the first three levels in N14 have been obtained with an isotopically-enriched graphite target for bombarding energies of 25.7, 35, and 45 MeV. The C14(p,n)N14(2.31 MeV) cross sections have been analyzed with Lane-model distorted-wave Born approximation calculations to extract energy-dependent well depths for the isovector part of the optical potential. These isovector well depths have been combined with a set of isoscalar optical-potential parameters derived from elastic proton scattering on N14. The resulting optical potential has been used in microscopic distorted-wave Born approximation analyses of the (p,n) differential cross sections. Strengths for the isovector central Vτ and Vστ and isovector tensor VTτ components of the effective interaction have been extracted. A comparison of the isospin-symmetric C14(p,n)N14(g.s.), N14(p,n)O14(g.s.), and N14(p,p′)N14(2.31 MeV) reactions has been made, and unexpected differences among the angular distributions are found.