Cisapride stimulates propulsive motility patterns in human jejunum

The effects of cisapride on upper gut motility were studied in seven healthy volunteers by means of a novel intraluminal electromyographic technique in a placebo-controlled study. In the interdigestive state, cisapride (10 mg intravenous bolus injection) markedly increased the number of spike bursts. The most obvious effect was observed during the first 5-min period when a nonmigrating phase-3-like activity (stationary phase 3) occurred, which lasted for 2.6±0.4 min. This initial pattern was followed by an intense phase 2 activity, characterized by a 10-fold increase in the number of groups of repetitive spike bursts and a sixfold increase in the number of ultrarapid single propagated spike bursts (ultrarapid peristaltic rushes). Cisapride induces in the human upper gut a remarkable pattern of aborally propagated (peristaltic) contractions, which are very likely responsible for the active propulsion of intestinal contents in the interdigestive state.