Campylobacter pylori - besteht ein Zusammenhang mit der peptischen Ulcuskrankheit?

In 67 patients, mucosal biopsies were taken in gastroduodenoscopy and culture set up to demonstrate Campylobacter pylori. Campylobacter pylori was cultured from 91% of the patients with peptic ulcer, in 76% of patients with gastritis and in 28% of patients without histological detection of gastritis. Electron microscopic investigations of duodenal mucosa showed that this bacterium attaches to the metaplastic cells of the antral type. This cell type is regularly encountered in the duodenal mucosa in healing duodenal ulcer. The ultrastructural features permit a clear distinction between Campylobacter pylori and other Campylobacter species. Campylobacter pylori may possibly have a pathogenic effect on the mucosa owing to its penetration into the interstitial spaces between the cells and into the interior of the cells.