A molecular dynamics study of the effect of G · T mispairs on the conformation of DNA in solution

The effect of G · T mispair incorporation into a double-helical environment was examined by molecular dynamics simulation. The 60-ps simulations performed on the two hexanucleotide duplexes d (G3C3)2 and d (G3TC2)2 included 10 Na+ counterions and first hydration shell waters. The resulting backbone torsional angle trajectories were analyzed to select time spans representative of conformational domains. The average backbone angles and helical parameters of the last time span for both duplexes are reported. During the simulation the hexamers retained B-type DNA structures that differed from typical A- or B-DNA forms. The overall helical structures for the two duplexes are vary similar. The presence of G · T mispairs did not alter the overall helical structure of the oligonucleotide duplex. Large propeller twist and buckle angles were obtained for both duplexes. The purine/pyrimidine crossover step showed a large decrease in propeller twist in the normal duplex but not in the mismatch duplex. Upon the formation of wobble mispairs in the mismatched duplex, the guanines moved into the minor groove and the thymines moved into the major groove. This helped prevent purine/purine clash and created a deformation in the relative orientation of the glycosidic bonds. It also exposed the free O4 of the thymines in the major groove and N2 of the guanines in the minor groove to interactions with solvent and counterions. These factors seemed to contribute to the apparently higher rigidity of the mismatched duplex during the simulation.