Wheat fibre, lactulose and rectal mucosal proliferation in individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer

In a single‐blind study 38 individuals at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer because of a family history of the disease were randomized to take 10.5 g wheat fibre (Trifyba) or 60 ml lactulose daily for 12 weeks. Rectal biopsies were taken before and after treatment and rectal mucosal proliferation was measured by the crypt cell production rate (CCPR). The mean(s.d.) CCPR was significantly lower in those taking wheat fibre after 12 weeks (7.2(3.4) crypt cells per crypt per h) compared both with values obtained before treatment with wheat fibre (10.2(5.1) crypt cells per crypt per h; P=0.02) and after treatment with lactulose (9.4(3.8) crypt cells per crypt per h; P=0.05). Proliferation in the lactulose group was not significantly different at 12 weeks compared with the value obtained before treatment. This study confirms an anti‐proliferative effect of wheat fibre in a group of high‐risk individuals.
Funding Information
  • Cancer Research Campaign