Feasibility and recent improvement of autologous stem cell transplantation for acute myelocytic leukaemia in patients over 60 years of age: importance of the source of stem cells

A total of 193 patients with acute myelocytic leukaemia (AML) [147 in first complete remission (CR1)], ranging from 60 years to 75 years of age (median 63 years), were autografted between January 1984 and December 1998. The source of stem cells was peripheral blood (PB) in 128 patients, bone marrow in 51 patients and a combination of both in 14 patients. Total body irradiation (TBI) was used in 34 cases. Ninety‐seven per cent of patients had successful engraftment of neutrophils on day 15 (range days 7–71) and of platelets on day 30 (range days 9–894). In patients autografted in CR1, the transplant‐related mortality (TRM) was 15 ± 4%, the relapse incidence (RI) was 58 ± 5%, the leukaemia‐free survival (LFS) was 36 ± 5% and the overall survival was 47 ± 5% at 3 years. The source and dose of stem cells were studied in particular; in patients transplanted in CR1, the RI was 44 ± 11% in those receiving marrow compared with 63 ± 6% in those receiving PB (P = 0·04). Patients autografted in CR1 who received higher granulocyte–macrophage colony‐forming units (CFU‐GM) doses (above the median) had a lower RI (47 ± 11% vs. 79 ± 9%,P = 0·009). There was a significant improvement in patients transplanted after March 1996; for those in CR1, the RI was 41 ± 8% vs. 65 ± 6% (P = 0·01), the LFS was 53 ± 8% vs. 28 ± 5% (P = 0·01) and the overall survival was 72 ± 7% vs. 36 ± 6% (P = 0·02). By multivariate analyses, significant factors for the outcome were the date of transplant with recent improvement and the source of stem cells, with a lower RI for marrow. Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is a potential therapeutic approach in patients with AML over 60 years of age; results have improved recently.