Multidimensional Supernova Simulations with Approximative Neutrino Transport I. Neutron Star Kicks and the Anisotropy of Neutrino-Driven Explosions in Two Spatial Dimensions

  • 13 January 2006
By means of two-dimensional (2D) simulations we study hydrodynamic instabilities during the first seconds of neutrino-driven supernova explosions, using a PPM hydrodynamics code, supplemented with a gray, non-equilibrium approximation of radial neutrino transport. We consider three 15 solar mass progenitors with different structures and one rotating model, in which we replace the dense core of the newly formed neutron star (NS) by a contracting inner grid boundary, and trigger neutrino-driven explosions by systematically varying the neutrino fluxes emitted at this boundary. Confirming more idealized studies as well as supernova simulations with spectral transport, we find that random seed perturbations can grow by hydrodynamic instabilities to a globally asymmetric mass distribution, leading to a dominance of dipole (l=1) and quadrupole (l=2) modes in the explosion ejecta. Anisotropic gravitational and hydrodynamic forces are found to accelerate the NS on a timescale of 2-3 seconds. Since the explosion anisotropies develop chaotically, the magnitude of the corresponding kick varies stochastically in response to small differences in the fluid flow. Our more than 70 models separate into two groups, one with high and the other with low NS velocities and accelerations after 1s of post-bounce evolution, depending on whether the l=1 mode is dominant in the ejecta or not. This leads to a bimodality of the distribution when the NS velocities are extrapolated to their terminal values. The fast group has an average velocity of about 500 km/s and peak values in excess of 1000 km/s. Establishing a link to the measured distribution of pulsar velocities, however, requires a much larger set of calculations and ultimately 3D modeling. (abridged)

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