Anatomic and Physiological Considerations in Pallidotomy for Parkinson’s Disease

Our ongoing study of ventral pallidotomy for the control of Parkinson’s disease in selected patients has provided the opportunity to explore the topographical and somatotopic organization of the human globus pallidus. Utilizing microelectrode techniques we have obtained recordings which were correlated with data from MPTP- parkinsonian primates. In addition, we performed pre- and postoperative FDG/PET scans in these patients. Our studies reveal similarities between the MPTP-parkinsonian primate model and human Parkinson’s disease in terms of physiologic recordings and responses. However, we have encountered significant differences between dominant and non-dominant hemisphere representations, particularly for the hand, in the human. In addition, our PET studies confirmed, as in previous parkinsonian primate models, glucose hypermetabolism in the lenticular area of Parkinson’s disease patients. This hypermetabolism is dramatically altered by creation of a lesion in the globus pallidus medialis. This is demonstrated by follow-up PET scans which reveal not only a decrease in metabolism of the operated lenticular region, but also in the frontal cortical projections. These combined observations of the cellular activity in the globus pallidus and the observed changes in PET metabolism support the selection of the pallidum for lesioning and control of Parkinson’s disease, and offer insight into the underlying physiology of this disorder. The above physiological and PET data will be clinically correlated with our ongoing series of 35 + patients.