An assessment of new dental ultraviolet sources and u.v.‐polymerized fissure sealants

The performance of six dental ultraviolet (u.v.) sources was assessed to establish minimum output requirements and possible u.v. hazards. Exposure criteria for u.v.-cured materials (Nuva-seal P.A., Nuva-cote P.A., Nuva-fil P.A., Lee-seal, u.v.-Dentoseal, Uviobond, Visiobond) were assessed by determining setting time-intensity characteristics, u.v. transmission and microhardness as a function of u.v. intensity and depth. A minimum intensity of 10 mW cm−2 was required for adequate curing and both Nuva-seal P.A. and Nuva-cote P.A. set well in depth with realistic exposures. Total u.v. outputs, average intensities and spatial distributions were assessed for the u.v. sources, most of which were well above minimum requirements. Ultraviolet spectra and maximum permissible exposure measurements indicated that all of the sources were safe in normal use.