Radiation Necrosis of the Ossicles

Disappearance of the long process and lenticular process of the incus has frequently been found at surgery in the presence of chronic otitis media, with or without the formation of cholesteatoma. The absence of these processes has been reported many years after a skull fracture with injury of the temporal bone (Gisselsson1). Congenital malformation of the ossicles has frequently been recorded in the literature. However, destruction of the incus due to massive radiation has not previously been reported. Perhaps the reason for this is that extensive radiation is usually carried out for malignant neoplasms. These patients do not survive long enough to develop destruction of the incus. We encountered the instance of a patient who had a large amount of radiation and who did survive for a period of eight years. This patient was found to have a destruction of the long process and lenticular process of the incus