Insulin-stimulating protein from human plasma. Chemical characteristics and biological activity

A protein that potentiates the action of insulin in vitro was purified from human plasma. When reduced with 2-mercaptoethanol and then carboxymethylated, it yielded a single subunit, indicating that it was composed of two identical subunits connected by a single disulfide bond. This modified subunit tended to inhibit rather than stimulate insulin activity. A distinctive feature of the amino acid composition of this protein (H-ISP) was the absence of histidine, arginine, and tryptophan. The molecular mass, subunit composition, the characteristic amino acid composition and the N-terminal amino acid residue of H-ISP are very similar to those of human plasma apolipoprotein A-II (apo A-II). The isoelectric point of H-ISP was estimated to be 4.91, which is identical with that of the major apo A-II isoform. H-ISP did not itself have insulin-like activity in increasing CO2 liberation from labeled glucose and 2-deoxyglucose uptake by isolated rat adipocytes, but it potentiated the action of insulin in these parameters. It had no appreciable affect on the binding or degradation of 125I-labeled insulin by adipocytes. Like H-ISP, apo A-II isolated from human plasma also had no insulin-like activity by itself, but stimulated the effect of insulin on CO2 production from labeled glucose in isolated rat adipocytes. From these results, it is concluded that H-ISP is identical with the major apo A-II isoform. Incubation of isolated adipocytes with H-ISP resulted in marked increase in the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity in a subcellular system consisting of plasma membranes and mitochondria from rat adipocytes. The effect of H-ISP on pyruvate dehydrogenase activity could be produced by treatment of the isolated mitochondrial fraction alone.