Primitive interventricular septum, its primordium, and its contribution in the definitive interventricular septum: In vivo labelling study in the chick embryo heart

Background Because the studies on the embryological development of the primitive interventricular septum have been done with postmortem material, we do not know the site within the cardiac tube and the developmental stage at which the primordium appears and its anatomical manifestation in the mature heart. Consequently, we do not know its real contribution to the constitution of the definitive interventricular septum. Methods With this purpose, we selected an adequate biological model, the chick embryo heart and the in vivo labelling technique. We placed a label of gelatin India ink in the ventral fusion line of both cardiac primordia at the level of the interventricular grooves in the straight tube heart (stage 9+HH), and we traced the ink up to the mature heart (stage 36HH). We made histological sections of some hearts, of the zone where the label was found to investigate the first morphological manifestation of the primitive interventricular septum. We also made microdissections and scanning electron microscopic studies. Results The label placed at stage 9+HH in the ventral fusion line of both cardiac primordia, at the level of the interventricular grooves, was found at stage 14HH in the greater curvature of the looped heart, opposite the left interventricular groove. This label at stage 17HH was found in the apical trabecular region of the first cardiac septum (8-shaped septum) and in the mature heart (stage 36HH) in the definitive interventricular septum at the limit between the basal and the medial third of the definitive interventricular septum. Conclusions Firstly, the primordium of the primitive interventricular septum appears at stage 9+HH, in the ventral fusion line of both cardiac primordia at the level of the interventricular grooves. Secondly, its first morphological manifestation takes place at stage 17HH, and it forms the apical trabeculated region of the first cardiac septum (8-shaped septum). Thirdly, the primitive interventricular septum gives origin to the middle and apical third of the definitive interventricular septum. Anat. Rec. 247:512–520, 1997.