Recognition of partial regularity in words and sentences

The involvement of morphological representations in reading Swedish and Dutch was explored using a lexical decision task and a sentence continuation task. In Experiment 1, letter strings were studied which were composed of a root and derivational suffix, a nonroot and suffix, a root and nonsuffix, or a nonroot and nonsuffix. Latencies in identifying nonword items increased as the letter strings became morphologically regular. In Experiment 2, subjects chose among pairs of continuations to a sentence. One choice offered at a given point was acceptable in context, while the other was acceptable, or contained an inappropriate stem, an inappropriate inflection, or both together. The latency to choose a correct continuation increased as the foil offered became morphologically appropriate. The results show that use of morphemic representations in reading as reported by Caramazza et al. (1988) extends from the identification of single morphs to the integration of information across phrases.