Langevin recombination and space-charge-perturbed current transients in regiorandom poly(3-hexylthiophene)

We have studied photogenerated charge carrier transport and recombination in thick films of regiorandom poly(3-hexylthiophene) by using the current mode time-of-flight technique. We measured the extracted charge as a function of light intensity and applied voltage, and found that for αd1 it saturates at a value that can be stored on the contacts Qe=CU0 as expected for diffusion controlled bimolecular recombination, i.e., Langevin recombination. As a consequence we can only measure space charge perturbed current transients. We measured a field-dependent hole mobility of the order of 105cm2Vs, which extrapolated to zero field determines the Langevin bimolecular recombination coefficient 4×1012cm3s.