Another look at “just-so” solar neutrino oscillations

We take another look at “just-so” solar neutrino oscillations, characterizing them by the energy Eπ/2 at which the distance-varying angle is π/2, instead of by the usual Δm2. The rising spectrum recently observed by the SuperKamiokande Collaboration is consistent with an Eπ/2 69 MeV and marginally with 48 MeV. The pp neutrinos must then be reduced to one-half the standard solar model prediction, and 7Be neutrinos must make up a significant part of the SAGE and GALLEX gallium signal. For Eπ/2 close to 9 and 48 MeV, the 7Be neutrinos will also show a large seasonal variation, emphasizing the importance of direct measurements of the 7Be neutrinos.